We commonly use AC transformers and DC generators or rectifiers as a power source for arc welding which has proved extremely useful for arc welding. We will discuss this in further detail.
The power source for arc welding is highly critical, in arc welding almost all welding processes obtain sufficient heat through the electrical arc, which is obtained either through an AC transformer or rectifiers.
AC transformer is widely used as a power source for welding. There are many reasons, mainly in which welding machines with ACtransformers occupy less space, make less noise, and spend less energy than other devices require more current for a thicker metal to be easily obtained through a machine with AC transformers It is available in sufficient quantity everywhere. Apart from this, the use of this high current almost eliminates the possibility of arc blow. The open-circuit voltage of 70 to 100 volts and the desired current of about 600 amperes can be easily obtained through an AC transformer welding machine, which is sufficient for welding thick metal. TYPES AND FUNCTIONS OF POWER SOURCEthere are two types of AC transformers are using in the welding field, air-cooled and oil-cooled. In heavy transformers, always use oil for cooling due to heavy load and to protect the winding of the coil. As shown in the picture, the transformer has two coils winding, one is primary and the other is called secondary winding. As shown in the picture, the transformer has two coils winding, one is primary and the other is called secondary winding. |
TRANSFORMER WORKING SYSTEMThere are mainly two types of transformers. Step-up and step-down, step-up transformer functions are to increase the electrical power and the step-down transformer function is to decrease the electric power. The power current used is more or less, depends on the thickness of the wire and the voltage is more or less dependent on the turn of the wire used. FUNCTIONSWhen the power is entered in the primary winding, its electrons run in the entire coil of the wire, we know that the AC current consists of a full cycle, ie both positive and negative electrons, due to their rotation the magnetic field generates in the primary winding. But it is temporary and variable, the core used in the transformer is in this area and becomes magnetized and provides stability to the magnetic force. AIR-COOLD AND WATER COOLED Due to the magnetic field, some vibrations arise in the wire and a state of friction in the wires. To be continued |