When you get started welding you always paid attention to your weaving and welding profile because weaving in the welding operation is a key factor.
Although the welding procedure guides you but gives you some limitations also regarding your weaving. In this case, a big issue that how can we improve our weld in an easy and faster way. Normally a welder tries to save time by using wider weaving lengths, but it is observed that wider weaving can cause welding imperfection. that is why WPS does not allow excess weaving.
Weaving is a side-to-side motion of the welding arc during transferring material to the joint to be welded. Weaving allows filling the joint by moving the arc. Giving side-to-side motion for welding means moving the material in the joint to be welded. This becomes particularly necessary in laying multi-pass weld beads, where welders have to deposit wider beads and thus weld metal over the length of the unit.
Weaving is generally allowed only three times the electrode diameter thickness, suppose if you are using a 3.2 mm electrode then you can move your electrode only 9.6 mm max, as per standard welding procedure specification.
In this case, how can we do something new in our welding operation is a question.
Weaving in the welding operation
Woven beads are preferred over string beads when welding hardened steels because of the cooling rate criteria.
If done correctly, the weave, the weave prevents slag from being trapped and reduces the possibility of pores by providing a little more time for the gases to exit the molten pool as it freezes. Weaving helps and also enables better fusion at the edges of the weld. The metal must be made or reinforced along any desired line according to the weave used.
The weaving volume is usually limited to 2.5 to 3 times the electrode core diameter. Extensive weaving can result in porous welds. weaving increases the weakening of the weld metal with the original metal and should be minimized when welding alloy steels.
There are a lot of weaving motion patterns available depending on the type selected combined and some of them are given in fig. The welder must select a simple pattern to cause the least amount of discomfort and fatigue, although after giving due importance to factors such as proper heat distribution, etc. the weaving speed should be uniform and the arc near the edge of the joint Must be stopped for a few seconds.

The weaving process should be repeated on welding beads as shown above pattern to create a uniform appearance of welded metal.
Papular welding weaves

Thus we can say that welding weaves are an essential factor in the welding process. To achieve a uniform welding bead, the electrode has to give an ideal speed with a suitable current.
It is recommended that a welding operator must follow the welding procedure, code, and standards to reduce welding profile imperfections.
The speeds should be in the same uniform, otherwise, it will give poor fusion to the edges of the joint.
Weaving becomes Considerably necessary in laying multi-pass welded beads where the welder has to deposit wider beads and thus more weld metal per unit length. If weaving is done correctly, it avoids the ingress of slag due to the cooling rate criterion.